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Никогда не любил игры подобного жанра, но эта прям зацепила, прочитал взахлеб, жду 0.3

When will 0.3 come out?

yo wont let me download the game after extracting it says error 0x8096002a no error dexcription available


wait whaaaaaaat
pc? android? mac? linux?

oh sorry m8 was on pc and  with the comment from ralkey with useing 7zip and not the windows extracter it extracted normaly lol sorry for worrying ya 

(2 edits) (+1)

This is a common issue on Windows 11,
So I'm going on a limb and say you're running Windows 11.

Extract the game files using 7zip instead of the crappy windows default extractor.

(1 edit)

i see thanks ill try that and useing 7zip did the job thanks for the tip m8


I have done everything and every way and detail. It was good so. When is the new update.


0.3 - 50%

But you can go to my discord server and check the update status there

Loved it, can't wait for further updates 🔥


I haven't played this yet, but I have to say, the title makes me want to throw it a bone.


How can I skip the sex scenes?

They are very good but they last too long and stay forever after putting "speed up"


what are you? Jesus? Respect

android build?

yup on android

what model phone do you have? 
this bug was only found in the Poco phone models

Yeah I have a pocox5 5g


Ahem.. this annoying and incomprehensible bug will be fixed in 0.3, because I just bought this phone model today to figure out what the problem is
But I'll make a scene skip button if this bug doesn't go away


that's a mistake



that's a mistake⁰


Well, it's definitely banhammer time, my little friend





I'm fell in luv when play that sh!t

Is there a way I can pay for the soundtracks? Love them a lot. Thanks!

Mhmm.. you can message me on discord and I'll just give them to you for free 🤔🤔

(1 edit) (-1)

I would really love to try this avn, but it seems that you didn’t put everything needed to properly run it in the download package. Every time I try to install the game it gives me an error. Exact wording, “you can’t open this application “DOGMA MacOS” because it may be damaged or incomplete.”

(3 edits)

It works perfectly for everyone else, and everything you need is in the downloaded package.

  1. What OS are you on? 
  2. What version did you download?
  3. What EXACT steps did you take to run it?

Also, what does "you can’t opera this application" mean?
Since you said it's the exact wording, I'm assuming it's not a typo.

(1 edit)

it was a typo, damn autocorrect.

1. Mac OS (as I believe was inferred by the version I stated in my first post)

2. the Mac OS version (which is stated in the above comment)

3. I download, I decompress, I try to open it.

also thank you for responding!

(5 edits)

I recently had to fix this issue for another user, so I know what to do.
It does not have the proper permission to run.
So you'll have to give it permission with chmod in the terminal like so

chmod a+x [GAME]/Contents/MacOS/*

however, the person which also had this issue mentioned that this works: 

 chmod a+x DOGMA/*

And then disable the gatekeeper to open the app.

The reason that this happens is because archiving it in a .rar or any other archive formats removes the permissions from the .app file.

This issue is already known by Dia, but I'm not sure if he'll be able to fix it


That did not work, nothing changed. I am still getting the error.

(2 edits)

I know that it's not the game's fault as aside from the lack of permissions it all works fine according to other MacOS users

maybe there was a failure in the download process and thanks to that the data is incorrect.
Try redownloading it, and if that doesn't work, then I don't know what does.

I packed the game in a tar archive, check it out
cuz > {The zip format doesn't have easy support for Unix-like file permissions, so your transfer process is stripping any permission flags that OSX uses to recognize files within that zip that are supposed to be executable. This can also happen with other file transfer solutions, so it's something to watch out for.

The best solution would be to create an archive which does keep those permissions, such as a tar archive.}

(2 edits) (+1)

For now, the game has very little «crutches» on android, as we say here.  For example, loading saves takes a very long time; after clicking on a card, the game is 100% likely to freeze when you try to exit from there. Only game restart solves that. I won’t talk about optimization tho, because I’m not confident in my device.  I'm sure that all problems can be resolved and I hope for this in the future, since I like the concept of this game. Waiting for updates and improvements. Good luck there :)


xDD ok, u got me there. Lmao

I also have these load times as well as the inability to leave the card menu (he chimed in quietly). Not complaining thow, seeing as the game is worth the wait and I just make sure to save before using the cards,plus I also have zero faith in my current phone. That said this story is absolutely amazing, totally can't wait for the next update and OMG I  freaking love jess

Thanks! Sometimes people forget that the game is in early access/in development and bugs in games are a normal occurrence, but I always try to fix all bugs and make sure the build is optimized for each platform (No matter how hard I try, there will always be some bug that I don't know about :D)


Just finished the latest version of the game. Absolutely love it, and i find it funny that the Angel name Duma mean in Vietnamese is "f*ck your mother". Top 10 fav game fr fr

(1 edit) (+2)

You don't need to explain the vietnamese part but yeah that name make me uncomfortable😅

Wdym uncomfortable, Duma man, Duma is a beautiful name!

(1 edit)

well, only Vietnamese have this problem, it hard to explain but it relate to a common bad word in my country.  We don't want to judge any name but it's just too common that i can't even imagine  something positive 


Duma in Hebrew means "Silence"
Duma in Russian means "Think"
And what about the Vietnamese.. that was a little surprise to me :D
But you can change her name if you don't like it

I knew that name has a lot of meaning, so I spent nearly an hour choosing a new name for her


Also in Polish, "duma" means "pride")

you are pretty passion about this game, aren't you ? I saw your comments everywhere 

I've downloaded and unpacked the RAR file but couldn't open the application on my M2 MacBook Air. Does it not support my device?

Did you download the MacOS version?

I'm pretty sure I did. I downloaded this one: DOGMA v0.2+ ~ Red Fox [MacOS]

(2 edits)

Hmm. I don't own an MacOS/IOS device, so I'm not sure,
but I read online that devices with the M2 chip should be able to run it.

I'll go ahead and tell DiaLive about this issue, maybe he can help, in the meantime can you join the discord server for further possible assistance.


Thank you! I'll join the discord server. 


Heyyy. This game is actually one of the best games I've played so far and I really enjoyed playing it. I just experienced a bug and I hope you can help me. 

It started after I did the deed with the toilet ghost. After the deed and when the toilet ghost said "Yes" it got stuck in it. I can go back to the previous dialogue but I can't get pass to that "Yes".

After I closed the game and reopened it the was stucked on loading screen. 


Ah shit, here we go again..
Hmm.. The PC version?
Restarting the game (exit to desktop, not main menu.)
Loading save before this "YES" moment
But if you still have a problem with "YES", message me in discord, I'll make saves with your choices after that point (if it's the pc version.)

I saw what you did there 😂

I'm actually playing it on android tho. 

I've encountered a bug where the card menu shows on top of the scene and won't go away. I can replicate it I believe by trying to open the card menu while in dialog. I'm stuck now though in the card background overlaying the scene but no cards show or the exit. Any ideas?

How did u do that, which scene and on which version do you play? And you tried to relaunch  game?

Yes I've tried but my save is on that scene. I just opened the card menu while in a dialog.

You know you can save many times? Open your old save and skip to that scene and no problem, or if you don't have another saves replay all game until this moment in plot

Hmm... I'm going to rework the damn gallery button.
This is a very rare bug at the moment.

1. or load a save.

2. Reach the global map (just skip text.. ). (When you move to the global map, all resources are hidden)

3. Wait for a fix, which will only be in 0.3 (oops...)

4. Let me know in discord, if there will be any problems with saves, I will make you new saves with your choices, but only if it's PC version.

Hey man, thanks for the reply. I tried to replicate it but I couldn't. Must have been some weird stuff going on. I just restarted since I was just starting to play. Great game so far! Thanks!

J'ai touché à ce chapitre tout récemment, et chaque fois que la conception visuelle devient de plus en plus cool. Séparément, je veux faire attention au style narratif. Parfois, c'est bien écrit, mais j'aimerais quand même que l'auteur accorde plus d'attention à l'édition de son texte. Je tiens à remercier l'Auteur pour cette histoire. Vous êtes un virtuose en termes de montagnes russes émotionnelles, j'ai tellement roulé que je m'en souviendrai longtemps. Je ne sais même pas comment décrire mes sentiments. Mais le travail demande certainement de l'admiration.

WTF, i got a trojan alert when i dowloaded this, anyone now why?

Firstly, it's impossible, secondly, it's still just as impossible. Anyway, I'm waiting for you in discord, show me this alert.

Pretty sure it's a normal thing when downloading games from a website or something like that pretty sure it says it for everyone when downloading


The prompts and menus don't proportion themselves properly to my fold 3. Still able to press them but just barely for the main menu

It's my favorite NSFW game so far, I could play my phone. I look forward to seeing more updates. Plus, the cute shapeshifting demon named Lilith is my favorite girl, I hope to see her more.

Solid storytelling, great visuals, intriguing game!

 If you would like some help massaging the dialogue to make it read a little easier/more natural I would volunteer my services as an editor.

That would be great! If you have a discord, it would be nice to start a conversation there.

(1 edit)

It crashes alot when I try to play on my android device I even turned down the graphics I really wanna play this game 

Well.. I need more information about these crashes. I need logs or a more detailed explanation of when the game crashes.

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does no one know what sandbox means?


My game has a global map, there are main story missions and side quests, you can complete story missions without any problems and unlock new secret events. 

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so literally not a sandbox but an RPG where you have a set path. a sandbox is where the player has full control on what happens and what they do at all times this isn't that.


What you describe is one version of sandbox. For any sandbox it is enough to have a global map and different events. And then it is up to the author to decide how much freedom to give to the players.

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that just an RPG heck look at elden ring that is what you described and it's not described as a sandbox. and I'm pretty sure people who create games like that know better.


You're comparing two different game genres with different genre adaptations.

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and I'm his friend who's playing dark souls with him so yeah you can even find me on some game platforms.

for some reason when i try to load an save on my potato it crashes what do i do?

>About saves - if you load from the moment where there was a system message about the end of 0.1 - then you will have a problem... and if before this message - everything will be ok.

But such a case I created a selection of chapters, so it's ok 2x<

oh tysm i thogt it was my phone that wasent handling the game

(1 edit)

So I'm trying to download the game through MegaSync. I'm fairly new to using it and no matter what I do I can't open it. Is there anyway you have a step-by-step link or could you maybe comment a quick how-to?? I would seriously appreciate it!

Do you have a discord? What is the error when opening the archive?

(1 edit)

I do! Ill join up. The error that's popping up is:

Error 0x8096002A: No error description available

is this game have any scene sounds ?


When i will update i lost my save or not?



 The first thing that caught my attention was the atmosphere. Thank you, you are great.


cool game.

and finally update.

THX dev😉️




I have played the early Version before.and the game artstlye is stunning actually😄️,some dialogue is intriguing too.

Sincerely THX for game developing,Hoping those word can encourage u  a little😊️😊️


Is it a harem type game or do we have to choose between the different LIs at some point?

(1 edit) (+4)

No way to know at this point. 0.2 just released and that just introduced most of the characters.

But I think it will be harem considering the MC already has 8 girls under his command


Is it horrible in the game?🥺

About saves - if you load from the moment where there was a system message about the end of 0.1 - then you will have a problem... and if before this message - everything will be ok.

But such a case I created a selection of chapters, so it's ok 2x




N o p e


Thanks, you should add a big "NO NTR" in tags, the pictures up there is confusing


Nope, I shouldn't add that tag. 


Maybe do something if you dont plan to add NTR, you should add a tags in the "page" not in "more information:" that's what I want to say if you don't, it's you okay, who am I to tell you what to do 🥱


Good morning? 😏

Update when? :O This is too good a game to just let it be abandoned!


Very soon.  <3

Yeah the language errors are taking me out of it a lot. I'm a proofreader, I'd be happy to help you out getting that fixed if you want?

Yep, that would be great.


Wow game looks really nice and the story is very intriguing! The animations are decently a win win. Only thing that threw me off was the spelling mistakes other than that 9/10!!!




The current version is only until day 3 after waking up together with Lilith?


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